Derived units

These are derived from the base units as some meaningful combination. Some have special names whereas others are known by the elements that make them up and their mathematical relationship.

Only a select few are listed here.

SI derived units

Unit name Symbol Definition and what is measured
square metre m2
cubic metre m3
metre per second m/s Speed or velocity
metre per second squared m/s2
Rate of change of speed (can be increasing or decreasing) e.g. if a moving object increases its speed by 1 m/s for every second of time that passes, then it is accelerating at the rate of 1 m/s2
kilogram per cubic metre kg/m3 Density

SI derived units with special names and symbols

Unit name Symbol Definition and what is measured
newton N
The force which will accelerate a mass of 1 kg at a rate of 1 m/s2
pascal Pa
Pressure = 1 N/m2
joule J
The energy required to accelerate a mass of 1 kg at a rate of 1 m/s2 over a distance of a metre (= 1 N m) Also tied to electrical units (see below). The kJ is the same as that used in nutrition data.
watt W
Rate of expenditure of energy equal to 1 joule/second (J/s)
The familiar unit used with electrical appliances, but note the mechanical origin.
degree Celsius °C
0 °C = 273.15 K
Based on the temperatures at which water freezes (0 °C) and boils (100 °C at normal atmospheric pressure)
As used in weather forecasts, heating thermostats and ovens, etc.
hertz Hz
Frequency (same as cycle/second)
The unit used for such things as radio channels, sound (pitch), and computer processor speed.